When (Online)
3:00pm (AEDT) Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Canberra
2:00pm (AEST) Brisbane
2:30pm (ACDT) Adelaide
12:00pm (AWST) Perth
1:30pm (ACST) Darwin
Workshop description
It’s not always easy growing food in the subtropics. Sure, there is the rainfall and the heat that a lot of plants love, but then again, so do the pests and the weeds! Add to that the fact that so much of the gardening information out there is targeted to growers in temperate climates, making it hard to get your bearings as a grower, especially when starting out. Fear not, brave subtropical gardener, as Jerry Coleby-Williams, beloved Gardening Australia presenter, Royal Botanic Gardens alumni and passionate subtropical food grower is here to show you how to embrace the heat and humidity and get your garden cranking!
Use this link to log into the live stream at the above time / date: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82103870777
Presented in partnership with our friends