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How to Grow Organic Rocket

Rocket is rich in vitamin C and potassium, and its peppery aromas make it a great addition to any salad. It’s fast and easy to grow but prefers cooler climates and unfortunately won’t be possible to grow outdoors if you’re based in tropical parts of Australia. For those who find themselves in subtropical, temperate or cool climates, read this guide carefully and you could be harvesting your first crunchy leaves in just 40 days time.

How to Grow Rocket
To grow rocket, you’ll need a nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Sow your seeds in rows 15cm apart and at a depth of around 0.5cm to 1cm. Try gently sprinkling soil over your seeds, instead of burying them, as their small size means they’ll need to be quite shallow. In order to harvest a continuous supply of rocket throughout the growing season, we recommend sowing a new batch every two to three weeks.
Where and when to plant Rocket?
Rocket prefers cooler temperatures so make sure to sow the seeds in spring or autumn. If you plan to grow the rocket in your garden, then you’ll want to find a semi-shaded spot. Rocket does grow really well in containers if you’re limited by space. Unfortunately, if you’re based in a tropical climate growing rocket can be a challenge due to the leaves not tolerating the high humidity and hot temperatures. Take a look at the table below to determine when to plant your rocket:

Growing rocket pro tips
Soil: You’ll want to provide nutrient-rich soil for your rocket to grow successfully. Mix in some compost a week or two before you sow the seeds.
Water: Rocket plants develop shallow roots, so you’ll want to keep the topsoil moist all the time. Don’t overwater your crop though, as this can destroy the plants and also dilute the taste. A good way to retain the soil moisture is to apply a thin layer of mulch on top of the soil.
Fertiliser: If your soil is rich enough in compost then chances are you won’t need to feed your rocket at all. However, if you’re growing rocket continuously within a growing season, then you could consider applying small amounts of liquid fertiliser.
Checkout the Herbie Hancock’s super funky ‘Rockit’ for some next level retro rocket vibes!
How and when to harvest Rocket
Harvest your rocket frequently when the leaves are young, as this is when the taste is most enjoyable. To harvest the leaves simply pick them with your fingers. Rocket is a fast grower, so, depending on the variety you grow, your crop should be ready to harvest four to five weeks after they’ve been sowed.
Don’t forget: the flowers of rocket are also edible! Harvest these as soon as they appear, they’ll make a delicious garnish on your salads.

How to prepare/preserve Rocket
Rocket is best enjoyed freshly picked! We recommend gently rinsing the leaves before eating them. You can keep rocket well preserved in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days. Another way to preserve your rocket for a later date is to place them in an airtight container in the freezer.

Costa’s Spanakopita Recipe
- 1 bunch of spinach
- 1 large onion
- 1/2 bunch of spring onions
- 1 cup parsley
- 1 cup mint
- 1/2 cup dill or fennel leaves
- 200 grams of Greek feta (crumbled)
- 1 cup of tasty cheese
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon or nutmeg
- 2 eggs
- 1 packet of filo pastry (12 layers) or 2 – 4 sheets of puff pastry
Part One – Learn how to grow Costa’s Spanakopita
Part Two – Accoutrements from the garden
Part Three – Into the mix
Part Four – Lets talk Filo
Part Five – Lets talk puff
Part Six – M’mmmmm