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Organic pest control methods

Control Garden Pests Organically

We all know the rewards of growing your own food at home, but it’s not all fun and games, with
everyone having to deal with garden pests at some stage or another. Don’t be tempted to reach
for synthetic chemicals or poisons to deal with these garden interlopers, there are loads of
natural methods that you can use to keep your precious patch pest and poison free

Understanding Your Pests

First, it’s essential to identify the specific pests you’re dealing with. Each pest has its natural
predators and control methods. Common garden pests in Australia include aphids, snails,
caterpillars, and several types of beetles.

Encourage Beneficial Insects

Believe it or not, not all insects are foes—many are friends! Ladybirds, lacewings, and hoverflies
are excellent at controlling aphid populations. Planting flowers such as marigolds, sunflowers,
and cosmos can attract these beneficial insects, who will in turn keep the harmful pests in

Physical Barriers

Using insect netting or row covers can physically block pests from reaching your plants. This
method is especially effective against birds and larger insects. For smaller pests like snails and
slugs, a barrier of crushed eggshells or diatomaceous earth around the base of plants can deter
them due to its sharp edges.

Companion Planting

Some plants have natural properties that repel specific pests, making them great companions in
your garden. For example, planting garlic can help to deter aphids, and basil planted next to
tomato plants can help keep thrips away.

Natural Remedies

For a home remedy, try creating a garlic or chilli spray. Blend a few garlic cloves or chillies with
water, strain, and spray directly on the affected plants. This potent mixture can deter a variety of
pests from munching on your plants.

Regular Maintenance

Keeping your garden clean and tidy by removing weeds and debris can reduce pest
infestations. Pests often use this garden litter as hiding spots. Also, ensure to rotate your crops
regularly to prevent pests and diseases from becoming established.


Managing pests using natural methods not only keeps your garden healthy but also protects the
environment and the delicate ecosystem around your home. With these strategies, you can
enjoy a vibrant and productive garden without having to rely on harmful pesticides. Happy