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Isolation Gardening

It’s time to slow down, to return to nature and bring our focus to something we can control. (kind of!) The current crisis and imposed isolation have seen seeds and seedlings fly off the shelves at garden centres around the country. Edible gardeners and those jumping on the band wagon are onto it. More time at home, means more time to tend to the garden, it’s time to dig in and make the most of the slow down.

isolation Gardening

Stuck in home isolation? Being in lockdown can be a struggle, but it’s a golden opportunity to give yourself and your garden some much needed therapy. Take the challenge and commit to 14 days of edible gardening to get your garden up and running or back into shape. If you’re just getting started, take joy in watching seeds sprout or if you’re an old hand at this, use the time to create the edible garden of your dreams. In any case, we believe dirty fingernails lead to bigger smiles and happier and healthier communities. 

Sarah, local Perth resident, is using the time in isolation to commit to 14 days of growing. One small activity each day is enough to get you and the garden on a roll and set up for Autumn. Check out her initiative here; #isolationgardenchallenge

Plenty more tips on Isolation Gardening;


Food is essential to survival and in times of crisis to provide your family with nutritious produce is invaluable. With produce disappearing from stores as fast the toilet paper, grow your own hasn’t been this popular since the days of WWII. During the World War II, Victory Gardens sprung up everywhere to support the war effort to help feed families at home with much needed nutrition. Fighting this virus is our modern-day equivalent. Pop the lettuce seedlings in now and in 6 – 8 weeks you’re already a winner.

Check out this blog with everything from what to plant to how to panic-prep the soil; Isolation Gardening


New to edible gardening and can’t make it to the shops;

1.    Check around the house for that spare drawer with those seeds you bought all those years ago. We suggest sowing more than usual and with any luck you’ll have a few strong seedlings to pick from the bunch.

2.    Gardening success can be found with kitchen utensils, use spatulas as trowels and chopsticks to stake vines.

3.    Reuse what you have at home to double as pots and protection from the inevitable pests. Who knew clothes baskets double as possum protection!

4.    Grow veggies from scraps; check our friends at 1 million women and their handy tips;

5.    Home deliveries continue from some local nurseries and garden stores. A quick google should sort it.

6.    Connect with local growers on and you’ll likely find a friendly neighbour with some seeds or seedlings and soil to share. Remember to practice social distancing and the appropriate hygiene at all times. A letterbox drop is a great idea. Find out who’s patch is just round the corner here;


Not to worry if you’re a small space dweller. Balcony, window sill, courtyard, verge – look around and you’ll find spaces to fill with food. You may not be able to grow enough to feed a family of 5 but you’ll find reward in the process and freshness of flavour that home grown produce delivers. Check out where the sunniest spots are throughout the day and get growing!

Tips for small spaces;

·      Putting a styrofoam box on the balcony is perfect for growing snow peas & sugar snaps.

·      Get vertical and creative. You can make a trellis out of almost anything.

·      You can grow herbs in shady areas. Parsley, mint and oregano do well in the shade.

Grow It Local member, Elisha has 10sqm’s to play with and has her Autumn/Winter season 2020 sorted. Elisha’s Patch.

Or check out some tips from Gardening Australia and this incredible small scale and highly productive urban garden; Watch it here.

Chickens & Other Garden Friends

We may not be able to have mates over right now, but gardens are full of friends. Whilst you’re in isolation take time out to look out for lizards, bees and birds to keep you company. Then there’s man’s best friend, who always tends to get the credit for companionship; however our pick is chickens! Fresh eggs and throw backs to Joey and Chandlers duck and chicken days should lift the spirits.

Looking for further connection during this period, join the Facebook Group;